Deer Lake First Nation Open House Hosted In Red Lake for the General Public
Deer Lake First Nation is pleased to invite you to participate in this Community Based Land Use Planning process. Our First Nation is working together with the Ministry of Natural Resources to prepare a land use plan that will support a balance of protection, traditional uses and development. As part of Ontario's Far North Land Use Planning Initiative, Deer Lake First Nation has a lead role in the planning process and approval of the plan. The plan will address provincial interests and take into account the objectives for planning set out in the Far North Act, 2010. Join us for the open house and engage with us in dialogue at each stage of the plan. April 23, 2013 Red Lake, ON Red Lake Heritage Centre 2:00 - 8:00pm The people of Deeer Lake recognize the benefits of developing a Community Based Land Use Plan to inform future decision-making in land and resource use. The interests of the community are rooted in the protection of our traditional lands and preserving a longstanding relationship to the land that we have enjoyed over time. The community would like to address our protection interests along with resource development opportunities through the planning process. The Area of Interest for Planning consists of lands that are an integral part of the cultural, economic and spiritual existence of Deer Lake First Nation. A Terms of Reference has been completed to guide the designations of the final Planning Area and to direct the preparation of the Deer Lake Community Based Land Use Plan for that area.