Deer Lake Health Services launched their website. Check it out, click on the DEER LAKE HEALTH link
thank you
Deer Lake Community Celebrated Treaty Day on May 31, 2007, Games, Bingo, and burger stands were held at the Deer Lake School yard and indoors. It wasn't like it was years ago when we celebrated Treaty Day, we had more games, more prizes to be won and more people staying just to enjoy the celebration. I still remember those days, the loonie fishing, the ring tosses, bean bag tosses, Elders doing the hula hoop or sucking on a bottle just to get a prize, adult musical chairs. It was awesome then, past is the past, just have to remember it
Deer Lake First Nation held it's annual community clean-up on Tuesday, May 15, 2007. Community staff such as Garage, Housing, Nursing Station, Health Office had
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